
Call of duty world war 2 pc mods
Call of duty world war 2 pc mods

call of duty world war 2 pc mods

This is a very useful mod to have because it’s a great way to quickly focus down the tougher zombie variants. Exploit Weakness: When shellshock is activated all afflicted enemies will take x3 damage.If you are running either the Shellshock or Camouflage special then this should be part of your kit. Since this perk allows players to use less energy for their Special Meter, users can easily overwhelm the undead in the later rounds. Specialist Training: Speical moves are incredibly powerful abilities that can completely turn a fight around or save your team.Keep in mind this mod doesn’t stack, so only one member of your squad should have it. This mod simply extends the bleed out time for your entire team, which is always nice if you’re being swarmed. Preventative Medicine: This perk is better with the Camouflage build, but it’s still quite potent by itself.Being able to have more options or carry specialty items like the Tesla Gun is invaluable to a team trying to beat Nazi Zombies. Another fantastic mod that you all should consider wearing, Pack Mule can easily save you from dying thanks to the additional weapon. Pack Mule: When equipped, players can carry a third Primary Weapon with no drawbacks at all.

call of duty world war 2 pc mods

Everyone should run this mod if you are looking to complete anything beyond wave 18 when ammo can get scarce. Given how fast you can burn through bullets in this mode, having more ammo is always a wise choice.

  • Fully Loaded: This mod simply increases your max ammo reserves for all weapons.
  • Here are our choices for the best Nazi Zombie mods/perks: Since luck will always play a part in this mode, it’s important to not rely on you getting that one important gun to make your kit work. When deciding upon our choices we focused on Mods that have good versatility and are reliable regardless of what weapon you pick up.

    call of duty world war 2 pc mods

    The catch is that player’s can only equip three, so picking the best ones will be crucial. These mods can offer special bonuses to your character, allowing a skilled player to plow through waves of undead with ease. However, for the unfamiliar this is more than just a simple horde mode as players can customize their character with not only their starting weapon but what Perks (here call mods) they are wearing. Call of Duty: WWII is officially out and there will no doubt be tons of people aiming to take on the undead hordes in the Nazi Zombies mode.

    Call of duty world war 2 pc mods